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McCain Kong (click 2 enlarge)


Anonymous said...

That makes no sense. What do McCain and King Kong have in common?

MJ Offen said...

Either that was sarcasm, you are a republican, or you love King Kong. It's a metaphor of beauty and the beast vs. a rejecting environment... etc., etc. I'll write the annotations in the 1st book collection. Perhaps it doesn't work for you, but please know negative feedback is welcome here.

Anonymous said...

I see. That's a really bad way to convey your message.

Maybe you should actually watch the King Kong movie before attempting such a stretch of the imagination.

Was it Kong's fault that he was drugged, caged, dragged halfway across the planet to be put on display in a totally foreign environment? You obviously have no clue what the King Kong metaphor is or what the writers were trying to convey, which makes you rather dense, a democrat, or too lazy to care.

Anonymous said...

^ Good point.

Also, Obama had the American flag removed from the tail of his airplane; maybe you should too.

MJ Offen said...

Actually I have seen both versions of the film, and this drawing is based on a famous still from the original, in which Kong was more of a simplistic monster. This satire intends to refer to the stereotype of the original Kong, which seems to be working for enough people that I am not going to edit this. But thanks for your attention and insults. They say when a political cartoonist starts pissing people off, they are on the right track.

Anonymous said...

You didn't piss me off, you made me feel sorry for you. You really should learn how to satirize. I feel embarrassed for you, actually.

The reason this plays with most people is because most people don't care enough to look beyond the obvious: John McCain as a monster... how novel.

Anonymous said...

Was it Charles Manson's fault that huh? is drugged, caged, and deserving of AIDs? If you can't figure out what that means, it means you are too lazy to care. Democrats carry handguns, too. We just don't register them so that we can't be found when we get done dealing with people like you.

Anonymous said...

LOL, too funny. Do you have any idea how hick that statement makes you look? You're going to shoot me, LOL!
OMG, an e-bully! I'm terrified.

Stupid libs, can't even threaten people correctly.

About Me

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Los Angeles, California, United States
Artist, writer, pissed-off patriot.

Which of the below DID NOT happen in John McCain's lifetime?