
Click Images to ENLARGE, then use BACK button!

RED WHITE & SCREWED (click to enlarge)

AKA: Legally Blonde Palin!
Since it is Sunday, thought I'd throw in some color. Don't know why I can't seem to show these larger here, but CLICK on it to go big! Please grab it & pass it on. Enjoy!


Ivan said...

Oh, snap! A fellow Los Angeleno!

BTW, this is TheIronLion from DevArt.

Check out my blog, Hip Hop Is Read, when you get the chance.

MJ Offen said...

I did, and I dig it! Thanks for stopping by... we should link!

About Me

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Los Angeles, California, United States
Artist, writer, pissed-off patriot.

Which of the below DID NOT happen in John McCain's lifetime?